Curriculum Vitae
Digital Content Advisor, Webmaster at Concordia University
- Client-facing content and User Experience (UX) consultant for web
- SiteImprove expert for web accessibility & quality assurance
- Program co-chair for the Digital Collegium Accessibility Summit (2024)
Digital Analyst at Evolving Web
- Consultant for web design and content strategy for clients in higher education, government, and non-profit
- Analyst and writer for proposals, business case studies, and digital content
- Public-facing spokesperson and advocate at corporate and industry events and conferences
University Course Lecturer
- McGill University: Digital Studies & Citizenry, Cinema and the Visual, Spanish Cinema, Intro to Spanish (2018-2023)
- University of North Georgia - Beginning and Intermediate Spanish (2014-2018)
- University of Georgia - Accelerated Spanish, Latinx Literature & Culture, Spanish Service Learning (2012-2014)
Project Manager of Digital Humanities at McGill University
- Professional writing for newsletter, listserv & social media
- Event organizing: lecture series, workshops, conferences
- Grant writing, market research for Digital Humanities program development
- Content management: Website auditing, UX testing & digital strategy
Cultural Organization
- Spectrums of Digital Humanities: A Virtual Lecture Series (2020-2021)
- Trans[creation] Online Colloquium & Digital Art Exhibition, June 9 + 10, 2021
- Last Call: Environment – Creative Arts Exposé with Lisa Teichmann, Fall 2019
- Printemps Litteraire Bresilien, McGill University, Spring 2019
- Co-founder & Communications Officer for Southeastern Women Wrestlers (SEWW), 2016-2019
- Spanish Adult Literacy Volunteer Coordinator in Athens, GA, 2012-2013
- Founder and organizer of EspañaEnCorto Spanish Short Film Festival, Georgia, 2008-2018
- U.S. Student Ambassador of Spain for Spanish Ministry of Exterior Culture, 2008-2009
Research Administration
- Survey data collection, analysis, reporting, and policy crafting, McGill Funding Working Group & ALLCGS Financial Health Survey (2020-2022)
- Market researcher and grant writer for Digital Humanities, McGill University (2020-2021)
- Portuguese Edition of Digital Humanities Quarterly, Winter 2019-2020
- Curriculum writer for HISP 345: Contemporary Hispanic Cultural Studies, HISP 357: Latin American Digital Literature and Culture, and LLC 602: Electronic Literature Winter 2020
- Digital Hispania web and data analytics researcher, Supervisor: Dr. Cecily Raynor, Summer 2019
- Book reviewer of Latin American children’s literature, University of Georgia, Summer 2013
- Research Assistant for Human Geography Project, Chile, Summer 2008
Web Publications
- “Top takeaways from #PSEWEB 2023” September 2023
- “Hands-On with Drupal 10: Crafting Content with CKEditor 5” February 2023
- “Managing your Content Smarter (Not Harder) with DAM” January 2023
- “Three Insights to Guide your Digital Governance Strategy” November 2022
- “Digital Transformation in Higher Education Creates Opportunities” October 2022
- “Our Top 3 Takeaways from the ‘Great Reunion’ at #PSEWEB 2022” August 2022
- “When good bones house great content: Improving and populating the DH website”Winter 2022
- “Retrospect: Stéfan Sinclair-CRIHN Conference” Winter 2021
- “Graduate Spotlight: Lidia Ponce de la Vega” Winter 2021
- “Get oriented with Digital Humanities in 3 easy steps” Fall 2021
- “DH Communities Online” Fall 2021
- “Where are they now? Alumni of McGill Digital Humanities” Fall 2021
- “How to Explain Digital Humanities to Parents” Fall 2021
Print Publications
“Politicized Web Praxis in Mexican Animated Short Films: “Reality 2.0” (2012) and “Retrato Político” (2013), Animation in Mexico, 2006 to 2022: Box Office, Web Shorts, and Streaming. Ed. David Dalton
“Augusto de Campos: Avant Garde, Post Flash,” Latin American Digital Poetics, Palgrave Pivot for 2022. Eds. Luis Correa-Días and Scott Weintraub
“Cyborg Citizenship in Keiichi Matsuda’s Colombian short film, “Hyper-Reality” (2016)” Digital Encounters, University of Toronto Press, 2019. Eds. Cecily Raynor and Rhian Lewis
“Re-ordering material hierarchies of human, non-human, and posthuman in Jossie Malis Álvarez’s animated short film series, Bendito Machine (2006-2017)” Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema, SUNY Press, 2021. Eds. Gisela Heffes and Carolyn Fornoff
Book review of El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond: Graphic Narrative in Argentina and Brazil published in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Vol. 95, No. 8, January 2018
“Was it all a Dream?: Chicana/o Children and Mestiza Consciousness in Super Cilantro Girl (2003) and Tata's Gift (2014),” Voices of Resistance: Essays on Chican@ Children's Literature, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018
Awards and Fellowships
- Bourse d’excellence doctoral GREN (Groupe de recherche ser les editions critiques en contexte numerique), Summer 2021
- McGill Graduate Mobility Award for research travel to Spain, Summer 2021
- FRQSC (Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Societé et Culture) valued at 43,000$, 2018-2020
- Franklin College University of Liverpool Doctoral Research Fellowship, 2017
- Kennesaw State University - Foreign Languages Alumna of the Year, 2017
- Louise McBee Scholarship for future women leaders at the Georgia, Association of Women in Higher Education (GAWHE) Conference, 2015
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant for UGA Dept of Romance Languages, 2014
- Honors University Scholar of the Year, Kennesaw State University, 2010
- Department of Foreign Language Senior of the Year, Kennesaw State University, 2010
Select Conference Presentations
- “How to Make Great UX Decisions for your Content,” #PSEWEB 2023, Victoria, Canada
- “When Good Bones House Great Content” #PSEWEB 2022, Montreal, Canada
- "Trans/national Lifespans of the Digital in Latin America: from Creation to Curation to Reception" Latin American Studies Association (LASA), May 5-8, 2022
- “SOS / 404: TransCreation + Digital Obsolescence” Trans[creation] Online Colloquium and Exhibition, Québec/Brasil, June 10 & 11, 2021
- “Ibero-American Short Films as Indicators of (Trans)Nationalism and Posthumanism,” Colloque ACFAS - “Editions critiques multilingues : challenges et opportunités”, Spring 2021
- “Ciro Guerra’s Embrace of the Serpent (2015): Exoticism and Colonialism in the Colombian Amazon” Colloque des Communications, Université de Québec à Montreal (UQAM), Spring 2019
- "Brazilian National Critique & the Nonhuman Taboo in Claudio Assis’s Amarelo Manga (2002)" Printemps Litteraire Bresilien, McGill University, Spring 2019
- "Technologizing feminist wrestling performance: An epistemological and theoretical account of eco-feminist cyborg wrestler, Amazona Prime" Off Script/Hors-Piste Conference, HTMelles Festival, Montreal, Canada, Fall 2018
- "Re-ordering material hierarchies of human, non-human, and posthuman in Jossie Malis Álvarez’s animated short film series, Bendito Machine (2006-2017)" Southeastern Conference of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), Vanderbilt University, Spring 2018
- "Bio-politics and Bio-Power of the Cyborg Body in 'Hyper-Reality' (2016) and '.Sub' (2013)" University of Liverpool series on Digital Media Histories, Liverpool, UK, October 2017
McGill University 2018-2022
Doctorate of Philosophy in Hispanic Studies
Keywords: Film Studies, Digital Culture, Internet Histories, Posthumanism
University of Georgia 2012-2014
Masters of Arts in Spanish Literature
Keywords: Posthumanism, Transnational narrative, Latinx studies
Kennesaw State University 2006-2010
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Education with Honors
Coursework abroad:
- Universidad de La Serena, Chile, 2008
- Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, 2007
- English - expert
- Spanish - expert
- French - intermediate-high
- Portuguese - intermediate