The ShyGirls Collective
The ShyGirls collective provides a safe space for people who embody the shygirls spirit to break the barriers and make music with support and love from a compassionate community.

Who is a ShyGirl?
A ShyGirl is a creative and passionate music-lover and maker who, for a variety of reasons, may have been reluctant to share or immortalize their shoebox treasures gathering dust under the bed. Maybe they’re musically-inclined but not recording yet or had negative interactions with gatekeeping, feeling intimidated by gear dudes, etc.
We organize and accommodate improvisation and chance operations with a dynamic rotation of ShyGirls members. We record, mix and release the sessions on bandcamp.
A ShyGirl is a creative and passionate music-lover and maker who, for a variety of reasons, may have been reluctant to share or immortalize their shoebox treasures gathering dust under the bed. Maybe they’re musically-inclined but not recording yet or had negative interactions with gatekeeping, feeling intimidated by gear dudes, etc.
We organize and accommodate improvisation and chance operations with a dynamic rotation of ShyGirls members. We record, mix and release the sessions on bandcamp.
Early Days of ShyGirls
EP released September 5, 2024