I write & publish about technology, education, film, and literature.
Animated Cinema in Mexico: 2006 to 2022
(Forthcoming in 2025)Purchase or request the book
Latin American Digital Poetics
“Augusto de Campos: Avant Garde, Post Flash,” Latin American Digital Poetics, Palgrave Pivot for 2022. Eds. Luis Correa-Días and Scott Weintraub
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Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema
“Re-ordering material hierarchies of human, non-human, and posthuman in Jossie Malis Álvarez’s animated short film series, Bendito Machine (2006-2017)” Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema, SUNY Press, 2021. Eds. Gisela Heffes and Carolyn Fornoff
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Digital Encounters: Envisioning Connectivity in Latin American Cultural Production
“Cyborg Citizenship in Keiichi Matsuda’s Colombian short film, “Hyper-Reality” (2016)” Digital Encounters, University of Toronto Press, 2019. Eds. Cecily Raynor and Rhian Lewis
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Voices of Resistance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Chican@ Children’s Literature
“Was it all a Dream?: Chicana/o Children and Mestiza Consciousness in Super Cilantro Girl (2003) and Tata's Gift (2014),” Voices of Resistance: Essays on Chican@ Children's Literature, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018
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